Wake Forest ARTS will be hosting the free live concert series Six Sundays in Spring each Sunday afternoon from 4 to 7 p.m., May 1 through June 6. In addition to the concerts, each event will start at 4 pm (at the performance garden) with a half-hour of wellness workshops, including yoga and exercise training, before performances begin at 5 p.m. Six Sundays in Spring takes place at E. Carroll Joyner Park, 701 Harris Road, taking advantage of the spacious amphitheater, walking trails and other park amenities. Food and refreshments from Bacci’s Italian Ices and the local VFW, Marine Corps and American Legion groups are available for purchase, but attendees are invited to bring their lawn chairs, blankets and picnic baskets. See our Six Sundays in Spring page for more information. Come on out and let these Six Sundays be the best Sundays of the year!