2021 Holiday Artisans Market will be held on Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., indoors and outdoors in Downtown Wake Forest at the Renaissance Centre, 405 S. Brooks St., and also across Elm St in the parking lot of the Forks Cafeteria, 339 S. Brooks St.
Free and open to the public, the market will include potters, jewelry artists, ceramicists, fine artists, photographers, woodworkers, candlemakers, fiber artists, and other artists and craftspeople.
This is a juried event with all artisans and craftspeople selected for the annual Market. You will find unique, quality items made my local artisans at this show. Buy for those on your holiday gift-giving list or for yourself!
See details and a gallery of holiday market artists and artisans at artswakeforest.org/events/holidaymarket. Check our Facebook page for event updates facebook.com/ARTSWakeForest.

Functional stoneware art pieces created by Farmridge Pottery
In addition to shopping, visitors can support food insecure individuals and families in the community with a donation to Tri-Area Ministry Food Panty, which will be collecting dry goods, canned goods, non-perishables, and personal hygiene products in the Forks Cafeteria parking lot. A 50/50 raffle supporting ARTS Wake Forest will be held with tickets selling for $1 each or 6 tickets for $5. The winner will receive half of the total amount collected in the raffle.
Holiday Artisans Market organizers will adhere to COVID-19 safety protocols in place at the time of the event. Market vendors and attendees are encouraged to follow safety measures, also.