Wake Forest ARTS Open House during June 14 Art After Hours

Wake Forest ARTS will be hosting an open house at our 205 S. Brooks St. headquarters during the June Art after Hours event, from 6-8 pm on Friday, June 14. There will be art from local artists, refreshments, good cheer and friendly folks to talk to. Also during this...

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Forest Moon Theater: Auditions for “Harvey”

Forest Moon Theater will be holding open auditions for Harvey, Mary Chase's comic story of a man and his invisible friend, a six-foot pooka named Harvey. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, this is a family-friendly play that you won’t want to miss. Be a part of this...

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Wake Forest Singers concert rescheduled for June 7

The Wake Forest Singers are heading indoors to celebrate their 20th anniversary with the Best of Broadway, Motown and Pop Music on Friday, June 7 at 8 pm. St John's Episcopal Church, located at 830 Durham Road (across from McDonald's), is hosting the event. The...

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