“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” Auditions Set for October 12 and 13, 2013

Louisburg College announces the return of community theatre to the Norris Theatre at Louisburg College. Auditions will be held on October 12 and 13 at 2:00 PM each day for all roles in the holiday classic The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, by Barbara Robinson. Norris Theatre Director Wally Hurst will direct the production, which will be presented on December 12, 13, 14 and 15, 2013. All roles are open.

“We are excited to be bringing theatre back to this great performance space,” Hurst said in announcing the venture. “I look forward to working with all those in the community who want to see the Norris Theatre revitalized and full of life and energy once again.”

Hurst said he also needs people to help back stage, including those willing to serve as light and sound technicians, stage managers, costumers, and set builders. “There are many important jobs to do in a theatre, and not all of them involve being on stage. Come get involved!”

The show calls for adults of all ages and children from ages 5 to 18, a total of 4 males, 6 females, 8 boys, 9 girls, and a children’s choir. All those auditioning will be asked to read from the script or do a monologue of their choice. Scripts are available from the Norris Theatre for a $5.00 deposit. Rehearsals will generally take place in the evenings and on weekends. For the younger children, almost all of the rehearsals will end by 8:00 PM except for Opening Week, December 8-11.

Further information can be obtained by calling Hurst at (919)-497-3429, or on the Louisburg College web site.

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